Natural Factors: Cascara Sagrada 90 Capsules

Natural Factors: Cascara Sagrada 90 Capsules

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Cascara sagrada is a bark rich in hormone-like oils that promote peristaltic action in the colon. It is one of the best herbs to use for chronic constipation and its effects can be felt within 6–8 hours.
  • Effective laxative
  • Helps increase secretions in the stomach, liver, and pancreas
  • Improves bowel function
  • Detoxification properties
  • Liver tonic
Cascara is very valuable for hemorrhoids due to poor bowel function. It helps to promote painless evacuations and, after extended usage, the bowels will function naturally and regularly from its tonic effects. It is cleansing to the colon and helps rebuild its functions. Cascara has often been recommended as part of cleansing and detoxifying programs and in small doses it may be an effective liver tonic.

  • Cascara Sagrada 4:1 Extract (Rhamnus purshiana) (bark) 250 mg (Providing 1000 mg dried equivalent)Β 
Non-Medicinal Ingredients
Vegetarian capsule (carbohydrate gum [cellulose], purified water, silica), microcrystalline cellulose.